Section: Research Program


In the former ProVal project, we have been working on the design of methods and tools for deductive verification of programs. One of our originalities is our ability to conduct proofs by using automatic provers and proof assistants at the same time, depending on the difficulty of the program, and specifically the difficulty of each particular verification condition. We thus believe that we are in a good position to propose a bridge between the two families of approaches of deductive verification presented above. This is a new goal of the team: we want to provide methods and tools for deductive program verification that can offer both a high amount of proof automation and a high guarantee of validity. Toward this objective, we propose a new axis of research: to develop certified tools, i.e. analysis tools that are themselves formally proved correct.

As mentioned above, some of the members of the team have an internationally-recognized expertise on deductive program verification involving floating-point computation [6] , including both interactive proving and automated solving [10] . Indeed we noticed that the verification of numerical programs is a representative case that can benefit a lot from combining automatic and interactive theorem proving [64] , [5] . This motivated our research on the formal verification of numerical programs.

Moreover, we continue the fundamental studies we conducted in the past concerning deductive program verification in general. This is why our detailed scientific programme is structured into three themes:

  1. Formally Verified Programs,

  2. Certified Tools,

  3. Numerical Programs.